Saturday, January 06, 2007


If you have been reading with some frequency, you will know that I recently acquired a new car. A beautiful Chevrolet Spark LS. A black one. In the long run it’s just a little car. I mean it has a 995cc engine for crying out load. The tortoise can do more.

It is however the prefect first timer car which is what I am – a first timer. This is the first car that is mine to drive with regular frequency. And it’s a wonderful snazzy little car and of course it has a name. It’s Black Pearl. Yes from pirates. It’s pearl otherwise, also because pearl is the precious stone for my birth month.


Owning the car has opened up a world of new opps for me. I can got o lunch with friends when I want, I can shopping when I want. I can got to gym when I want. I can pretty mush do what I want when the bloody hell I feel like doing it … Which is great. Except for that for all intents and purposes I am still learning a lot about driving. This is of course means adventures. And as we all know adventures are the best thing to add a spot of brightness to an otherwise ordinary day.


So there was the adventure two days after Christmas. This one involved parking. I had the car for juts less than a week by then and while I was indeed becoming more and more comfortable with it, I was still no used to driving on my own other than the five minutes to work and back again. On that day I decided that I would visit a friend and that we should go for coffee. I duly hopped into Pearl and off we went. I must say I didn’t do too badly. Well a lot better than when I had almost crashed into the light pole that morning. So I picked up my friend and off we went to the La Lucia Mall where I had to park my car. in other words I had to stop in a small space without hitting other cars. However I cheated. I drive to a very abandoned area of the park lot and drove straight into a parking that required no torturous movements on my part. For my sins however I had to walk in the gruelling heat of the midday sun and almost wilted before reaching the wonder that is the mall air conditioner.


Since that day I have not had too many other arduous adventures. According to husband dear, I’ve been getting better every time.


And then there was today. Today where I had to stop at a traffic light at a very steep incline, not flood the engine, not roll back and go when the traffic light turned green. I am very proud to say MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Of course I was freaking out the entire time and seconds of away from screaming at the top of my voice.


I have come to realise one important thing. Driving makes you want to drink. Problem is you can’t drink and drive and you can’t drive after you drink. But it’s a dog eat dog world out there. I have a very little dog but he’s all mine. I suppose I’ll get better everyday. But until then there is nothing wrong with caution and cautious is what I will be

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