Friday, January 25, 2008

I just re-connected

Sometimes we forget about the people from our past. They become fond memories that we dredge us and smile about and then put back into their little keep sake boxes. There are friends that we loose touch with. They leave their footprints on our hearts and then for some reason we never see again

And the sometimes just by chance
A little something that you could never see coming … you get the chance to reconnect.

I ran into old friends this year and it’s amazing to have done that. Sometimes it feels as though that time and distance meant nothing cos the connection is still there. It’s nice.

Hopefully this will be a chance to rebuild the bridges that I thought fell. It’s nice to go back in time with somebody that knew you back then.
I have no doubt that I’m a different person now than what I was back then. For one thing I live in my own house with my husband now. I go home if and when I feel like.
The whole house is mine instead of a tiny little bit of it.

So it will be interesting to see if the people we have become connect the same way our 16 year old selves did.

We promised to always stay in touch. Maybe it’s time to keep the promise.

Here’s hoping.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

2007 in review

Okay so maybe the blogging thing went out of fashion or then again maybe I really didn’t have anything to say or maybe I got tooo lazy and didn’t feel like making the effort to do a post.

The new job goes well. Not so new anymore though. I started here 8 October and so now it’s just over three months and it’s all going well. The hick up of the last year are over.

It was a strange year last year. A lot of first’s most of which were terrifying and well really didn’t have to happen.
The list of first’ include

- Visit to the emergency room.
- Only report sold during my tenure at MarketWorks
- First brush with anesthetics
- Time staying out all night and only going home in the morning
- Traffic fine for a whopping R1500
- Time at an all you can eat prawn night.
- Time I got to hold my nephew soon after he was born
- Curry cooked by myself

So perhaps the list is not as brilliant looking as what it did last year. 2007 I think was a year of growing up. A lot of growing up.
It would not be accurate to say that I didn’t loose anybody who was close to me at the beginning of the year. So I’ll opt for no one who was close to me at the beginning on the year died. That would be more accurate. Unfortunately 2007 was the year friendships were tested and the resolve strengthened or broken. I have taken moments to mourn the loss of those people in my life but also the time to reflect that sometimes the decicision to let go, despite how painful it might be is the correct one.

In my opinion at the time when it mattered I made the effort to mend the broken fences and that it. It’s done and ready to be served.

I’m looking forward to this new year of blogging. I will try to not have a two month absence again but things are different so posts will not be as often as what they were.

But to you my dear reader, I’m back and ready to roll

Happy New Year. Make the best of it. Make it Happen .