Friday, January 25, 2008

I just re-connected

Sometimes we forget about the people from our past. They become fond memories that we dredge us and smile about and then put back into their little keep sake boxes. There are friends that we loose touch with. They leave their footprints on our hearts and then for some reason we never see again

And the sometimes just by chance
A little something that you could never see coming … you get the chance to reconnect.

I ran into old friends this year and it’s amazing to have done that. Sometimes it feels as though that time and distance meant nothing cos the connection is still there. It’s nice.

Hopefully this will be a chance to rebuild the bridges that I thought fell. It’s nice to go back in time with somebody that knew you back then.
I have no doubt that I’m a different person now than what I was back then. For one thing I live in my own house with my husband now. I go home if and when I feel like.
The whole house is mine instead of a tiny little bit of it.

So it will be interesting to see if the people we have become connect the same way our 16 year old selves did.

We promised to always stay in touch. Maybe it’s time to keep the promise.

Here’s hoping.

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