Wednesday, February 11, 2009

valentines day

Valentine's day is just around the corner and while the world gets to ready to paint the town red. I sit here in quiet contemplation of love and what it means. Valentines Day is all very good and well, but like most things has become far tooo commercial.

A friends asked me what I was doing for valentines day this year and my reply was that "I don't do valentines day, it's the female equivalent of  "BIG *ENIS SYNDROME"

You're probably wondering what I could possible mean by that. It's actually very simple. It gives women the chance to boast about who got the most roses/ chocolates / teddy bears / underwear or what ever else is associated with Valentines Day. For me I'd rather get a gift because my husband wanted to buy me one rather than because he was following the conventions society has set out for us and has to buy me something.

But that's for me PERSONALLY, on the other hand I do see the value in Valentine's Day. Not all men are thoughtful enough to present their wives with roses or little gifts for seemingly insignificant reasons. Sometimes just to see them smile. For those wives, Valentines Day is a chance to actually have their husband demonstrate their appreciation for them, even if it forced and for that reason we must give credit where credit is due.

But for me and myself, Valentines Day is nothing special, not many than any other day anyway. And before all the men out there, point out this post as a reason to not get their wives/ girlfriends something for Valentines Day, sit back and ask yourself when last you did something for your significant other that warrants you ignoring Valentines Day. Women shouldn't only get to brag about the gifts they get once a year.

After all "big *enis pride" doesn't only happen on once a year.

And before you ask I got chocolates a week ago just because.

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