Friday, September 07, 2007

the end of the week

It’s been interesting and slightly stressful few days. The biggest thing was that my boss at my current job wanted me to stay till the 8th of October and the new company wanted me to start on the 1st so there was a bit of a tug of war that I was involved in. Personally from a financial point of view I think it would have made more sense to start of a new job at the beginning of a new month. It just helps in avoiding all that pro rata nonsense. But well I suppose they will have people to handle all of that.


I am looking forward to this weekend. Tomorrow night a friend and I are going to celebrate our new jobs along with a whole lot of other people. She wasn’t always a friend but I think that was more circumstantial than anything. The bridging of this particular gap has left me with a sense of fulfilment.  I’m thinking that finally at the tender age of 26, I’m maturing. Only a little though. The thing is that I’ve come to the conclusion that there were forces at work that did not really want us to be friends. One of those forces also went around telling people that I was so very much in love with him WHILE I was planning my wedding. Who knew? Apparently everybody but me. Clearly I was too busy with the wedding.


Well I feel like the hatched has been buried and I’m glad. This is just another example of things going well.


One thing that is not going so well is tae bo.


Let me elaborate. Tae bo is lovely and fast passed and one of the best cardio work outs in my opinion. There are all sorts of kicks and punches and jab and all that. Occasionally there are routines. Routines that involve fancy footwork things that you need to pay attention to. Now anyone who knows me knows I’m on the less fit side of the fence. So the routines sometimes kill me. More often than not I feel like an elephant stomping around trying to do these apparently complicated routines. An added annoyance is that the routines change every class. I only ever manage to get the hang of it by the end of the class and when I come back the next time I have to start from scratch.


As annoying and frustrating as it is, I will however stand and take a bow for sticking with it. I’m getting used to pain. Supposedly it makes you stronger. Yes well that’s only if you don’t DIE first.



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