Tuesday, October 31, 2006

the weekend in review

Oh it has been a crazy week of note. On a positive side, my final presentation for advertising went rather smashingly well. I made rather gigantic mistakes during the run through. But in the end I was cool calm collected and had a great time.

I think that our presentation was enjoyed by all present. We had some really good ideas. It’s a great idea.


Right now though I’m really tired. I have this big thing about waking up in the wrong time of my REM cycle. I heard that if you wake up when you’re rather deep in, you’re tired for rest of the day. So I believe I woke at the wrong time. Oh dear.

The other annoying this is that I’m at work and there is no milk in the fridge. I hate when that happens and I forgot the creamer. It’s very annoying.


On positive notes I made my first piece of jewellery and got a Russell Hobbes coffee machine (YEAH).

This was the highlight of my weekend. It was great.

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