Wednesday, December 13, 2006


It has been a long week and Christmas is almost upon us. I forgot to renew my library books again and am so gearing up for astonishingly hefty fine. Also I am feeling a case of the nerves. I will be married for two years in two days. The best thing about that I that now I have crossed the two year hard part. There’s only another like 50 or however long we live left.


But marriage like everything else is difficult. Maybe a little more difficult than everything else. You see the thing is that if you have a fight with a friend you can go home. Scream in your own steam, have some ice-cream and then meet, cry and get over it and bond over shoes, clothes, kitchenware, - whatever strikes your fancy, but when you’re married  you are home damnit. You really can’t go any where and I’ll be damned before I let you walk out the house and spend the night at the Holiday Inn with room service and free bath stuff while I stay home and cry into a smelly pillow.


Before you ask …. Yes I have issues. A very happy marriage yes and issues


Also it’s the two year mark. The question on everybody’s bloody lips is


                        “When are you gonna have a baby?”


Umm … let’s see when I finally think that is actually worth it to have my wonderful blissfully disordered life tossed into chaos by a screaming squalling infant. It’s what I’ve been dreaming off since I realised my breast are more than mere man-attracters or my husband refers to them ‘super-powers’,


The truth is that my marriage is on of the most fulfilling things into my entire life. I was blessed with a wonderful husband who thinks I’m so very amazing despite all of me very obvious faults. It may be just two years but these have been the most wonderful two years of my life and there have been a million ups and downs and we moved three times. We’re awful to each other when then shops are busy and when we’re tired and hungry. But I know that I know that I know that he loves me more than anything else in the world.


And I also know that we’ll be together forever. I know this to true as well because in this day and age with the cost of living, there is no way I can afford to get dirvorced



Thursday, December 07, 2006


Since beginning this journey I must admit that I have in fact become better at the whole blogging process. Especially since I discovered that all I had to do was type into an email whatever I wanted to say and click send. A beautiful process.

I did however have some free time today and though I should have a look at what else I could do with my blog. It felt boring to me. Lines and lines of text in a format that didn’t really reflect me. So on I went and made some changes. I must admit I like them a lot.

the morning after the night before

Last night was the staff Christmas party for the book store that I work at on Saturday morning only. And not every Saturday morning at that because even I (yes I do) have a life where books are not at all involved.

Somebody once said to me they knew when they were at my place by the books on every single surface all over the house. Yes I read a lot. I am well read. Let’s move on shall we?


So back to the Christmas Party. We went to a place called Baan Thai. I must say the food was wonderful. Very delicate flavours and just the right amount of spices.  Last night for the first time ever I had duck. It’s actually quite good. I had no idea. So yes I will be having it again … should the circumstances arise.



Anyway the best part or parties is the in my not-so-humble opinion is the giving of gifts. It is of course all fun and games until somebody get hurt. Nobody got hurt. And there were some good gifts. I must admit when working in a budget, it forces you to be creative especially when you have to buy something that either sex can use. I got a cup. It says.  “Good morning let the stress begin”


How very appropriate. J


It was a good party and I really can’t wait for the next one. I love the bookstore and you know what I don’t think I’ll ever stop.


Monday, December 04, 2006

a busy time to be had by all


Another day, another dollar.


Well I suppose in the South African context, it would be


Another day, Another Rand … dollar just seems to work better.


It’s only Monday and already it has been a long week. People I cannot even begin to tell you just how tired I am. It’s has been one thing after another since the beginning of last month (November) and let’s just say December is not famous for its restful aura. No that more a June/ July type thing. The winter months. They automatically means long sleeping hours. So where to begin? What have I been up to the last few weeks?


Well the exciting news is that I am now the proud owner of the LOTR extended DVD box set. I’ve already started watching even though I have yet to finish prison break and need to return DVD’s that contain beautiful Wentworth Miller on them. No matter. I will survive.


I made a very lovely chocolate cake for Tim’s grandfather on Saturday. It was in celebration of his 86th Birthday. Can you ever? So what if he’s all wrinkled and keeps calling me Carol. 86 is one hell of an accomplishment.


What else …

Oh yes. This is an achievement of note. I survived in a room full of children. And I was not spat on, none oft hem had runny noses and thankfully they could all go to the toilet themselves. I draw the line there.


So a busy yet fulfilling weekend and this morning a wonderful friend gave me the opportunity to pass on pearls of wisdom to her. Like I said to her when I was done “when did I get so wise?” She laughed and was certain that she had no idea at all.


So now dear non existent readers my fondest wish is to go home and go to bed and sleep a dreamlees sleep. Oh and to eat the breyani my aunt sent me. hmmm breyani.  It’s been a while