Monday, July 02, 2007

fallen angels

I remember many things about the time I was young. I suppose we all do. But the one memory that comes most often (and decidedly unbidden) is my standing on a chair in a black cloak and a painted face.  My ‘demons’ bowing before me in various capes or cloaks; whichever one suits your fancy. There is a picture of the event. One that I hope nobody ever sees ever again.

If any one would ask I would have to answer that this particular event was were my fascination for theatre and stage started. This was where the bug bit.


This was the first role that I played.  At first the poem was meant to be shared among all five female members of my group. For some reason (I have no idea why) it was then decided that I would actually do the entire poem. I would be the one who would stand up there and recite the entire thing from memory. I think I may have been around 8 years old. I’m not sure. At any rate the only thing I am certain of is that I could read and nobody though it was a problem for a 8 year old to memorise a page long poem and then recite it in front of a rather large audience that consisted of my parents, family and friends and all my friend’s parents and family.


I do remember having to sit for my make up and the decision to have me in different make-up than everybody else. You know so that the audience could tell I was the DEVIL.  


I have often remarked that there is something that I have in common with people like Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Viggo Mortensen and Ben Affleck. At some point in our careers (however short-lived like mine) we’ve all played a fallen angel in varying degrees of course.


I found the poem again and re-read it. The unknown author had some good points. Sometimes I think that the more knowledge available to us, the less we actually really know.



The devil once said to his demons below,
"Our work is progressing entirely too slow.
The holiness people stand in our way
Since they do not believe in the show or the play.
They teach that the carnival, circus and dance,
The tavern and honky-tonk with game of chance,
Drinking and smoking, these things are all wrong;
The Christians don't mess with the ungodly throng.
They are quick to condemn everything that we do
To cause unbelievers to be not a few.
They claim that these things are all of the devil;
That Christian folks live on a much higher level.
Now fellows, their theology, while perfectly true
Is blocking the work we are trying to do.
We will have to get busy and figure a plan
That will change their standards as fast as we can.
Now I have a vision of just what we can do.
Harken, I'll tell this deception to you.
Then find ye a wise, but degenerate man
Whom I can use to help work out this plan.
There's nothing so real as the things that you see;
The eyes and the mind and the heart will agree.
So what can be better than an object to view?
I say, it will work and convince quite a few.
The home is the place for this sinful device;
The people deceived will think it quite nice.
The world will possess it, most Christians can't tell
That it is all of the devil and plotted in hell!
We'll sell them with pictures of the latest news;
While they're still looking, we'll advertise booze.
At first it will shock them; they'll seem in a daze;
But soon they'll be hardened and continue to gaze.
We'll give them some gospel that isn't too strong,
And a few sacred songs to string them along.
They'll take in the ads, with the latest of fashions,
Soon watching the shows that will stir evil passions.
Murder and love-making scenes they'll behold
Until their souls will be utterly cold.
The old family altar which once held such charm
Will soon lose its place without much alarm.
Praying in secret will also be lost
As they look at the screen, not counting the cost.
Compromise preachers, who don't take their stand
Will embrace this new vision and think it is grand.
They'll help fool the people and cause them to sin
By seeking this evil and taking it in.
Influence is great and this you can see;
Just look at my fall and you'll have to agree.
It won't take too long, my demons, to tell
That the vision of Satan will populate Hell!
Divorce will increase, sex crimes will abound;
Much innocent blood will be spilled on the ground.
The home will be damned in short order I say
When this vision of mine comes in to stay.
Get busy, my cohorts, and put this thing out;
We'll see if the church can continue to shout.
The holiness people who stand in our way
Will soon hush their crying against show and play.
We'll cover the earth with this devil vision.
Then we'll camouflage it with the name television.
The people will think they are getting a treat
Till the Antichrist comes and takes over his seat.
He'll rule the world while the viewers behold
The face of the beast, to whom they were sold.
We'll win through deception, this cannot fail;
Though some holiness preachers against it will rail."


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