Tuesday, July 10, 2007

ink blot

There are times in our lives when we need to sit down and actually take a good look at where we are. There are a number of debates raging around me at present and while in three years the consequences of these actions may not be all that memorable, the immediate future is at stake.


The balance of living and happiness is a delicate one. A very precarious balance. A step in the wrong direction and everything might go helter-skelter.


I had a wonderfully open discussion with my boss last Monday where I finally took a good look at myself in the mirror of self-reflection and realised I was very unhappy with my job and by extension unhappy with my life in general as it was.

That realisation made me feel very ungrateful for the wonderful life that I did lead outside my job. I have wonderful family and friends and a great social life. Why then should one aspect of my life so alter my perception of the way my world functions.


I feel that often we try to find the things to fill that gaping hole that exists within us. We try to rationalise that this or that may bring us some happiness and we won’t have to deal with the inkblot that just won’t go away.


I’ve looked my inkblot in the eye and told it I don’t like it. Now I’m working on removing it.


The best part is that it’s all out in the open. NO hiding.


DAMN! That feels good.




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