Friday, August 31, 2007

It’s been ten years since the beloved Princess of Wales was killed in a car crash. There are something’s in life we never forget. I remember exactly where I was when I found about the Twin Towers in New York. I remember Jeremy walking into my room saying Diana was dead on the Sunday morning. I remember walking into the lounge and seeing my mother glued to the images on screen of the crash sadly.

Everybody loved the princess. Well almost everybody. The jury’s still out on Charles, Camilla and the rest of the Royals outside of Harry and William of course.

Thanks to working in a bookstore, I’ve seen personally how many South Africans admire and loved the Princess. And rightfully so. She was an amazing woman who rose up beyond the circumstances constricting and killing her to bring hope to thousands of people across the world. Diana even in death seems to reach out to people across the globe. There just seemed to be something about her that screamed I’m a living breathing person just like you. There was nothing stiff about her.

Her brother Charles Spencer had it right when he referred to Diana as “The People’s Princess … who needed no Royal title to wield her particular brand of magic.”
Personally I think she was a beautiful woman who gave all that she had to offer. I also think it’s wonderful that William got his looks from his mother
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I feel like I’m sitting at the edge of an abyss waiting to fall. The next few days are going to be tricky and wonderful all at the same time. There’s the beautiful smell of spring in the air and every where everything seems to be coming to life. Just like the years I think our lives go in seasons, maybe not in the correct sequences but seasons all the same. I personally feel that I’ve been in autumn for the last year. And it feels like spring in on its way for me and after spring comes summer are summer is always fun and wonderful.


I’m taking a step of faith here. To everyone who knows me I ask you to please pray for the situation I’m in right now. You don’t need to know the specifics. Just pray that everything will come together as it is meant to. If it means I stay back in autumn well then I still know there’s a plan and purpose for my life and my time is still coming.


"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


Thanks to everyone who has shown their support. Hopefully soon I’ll have wonderful news for you all. And before you ask,


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Facebook Login


Hey, your account is temporarily unavailable due to site maintenance. It should be available again within a few hours. We apologize for the inconvenience.




People everywhere are in a dead panic.

Monday, August 27, 2007

entirely accidental

Just when it seems that there is nothing noteworthy for me to say due to the whirlwind that is currently dominating my time, I arrive at a very strange place.
Those of you who have known me for a long time are aware of my distaste for the colour PINK. This is of course in part due to my mothers attempts to ensure that I lived in girl world. Everything I had was pink, my bedding, the walls in my room, my clothes. It felt like there was pink everywhere.
For the longest time I ran screaming in the other direction whenever faced with the colour but then I grew up I guess and realised that wearing pink sometimes does have it's advantages. So i began to re-introduce the colour into my wardrobe.
Today entirely by accident I find myself at the gym dressed entirely in pink. Right down to my pink playboy knickers.
Maybe I should remove the pink again.

It’s been a long time since my last post. There is a lot going on at present. Each story is in a different stage and none have come to any sort of definite conclusion. This is why I have not been posting. It seems that there are sparks here, there and everywhere but the stories are not complete and I suppose I can’t bring myself to placing them here in the public eye for fear I might jeopardise something or the other.


This is just a note so you know that I’m still here and the lack of posting has more to do with the current whirlwind that I’m in rather than lack of events to talk about.  


After all it is me. There’s always something to talk about.








Friday, August 17, 2007

he's what?

Is Wentworth Miller gay?


The press seems to think so despite the fact that Wentworth himself has denied it publicly a few times. The truth is that hundred of hopeful females around the world don’t want him to be gay. They also didn’t want Will Young to be gay. After all if he was there’s goes that chance of scoring with him somehow.


Apparently the agents for Thomas Dekker who plays Zach in the hit TV show Hero’s was pulled off the show for playing a gay character. There seems to be a big fascination with Hollywood and being gay. You either are and they love you or you’re not and they try force you into being one.


If Wentworth is gay does it really change the fact that he is really actually in fact extremely good looking? I don’t think it will change his star appeal. He’ll last till the next big thing.

You’re only a star until the next hot guy.


Hmm Channing Tatum. Soon he’ll be gay too.


And bloody hell can we take a moment and remember he’s an actor. He should be able to act straight or gay.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

drat and then double drat

I’m pretty certain it’s a little too early for me to be at work but here I am anyway. Sometimes we make sacrifices without realising what the consequences are. Like today for example; I sacrificed an hour of sleep without realising that I would be sitting in my office way to early in the morning with no decent coffee or food and work to do. Because generally that it what one does at the office – work.


Drat and then double drat.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I just had to share

Associated Magazines' Women on Wheels supplement recently announced the winners of the inaugural motoring awards to celebrate the best cars built for women, as decided by women. Category winners were Toyota Yaris (Best Car for Women under R100 000); Honda Jazz (Best Car for Women between R100 000 and R200 000); Volvo C30 (Best Executive Model); Volvo XC70 (Best Mum's Taxi); BMW X3 (Best SUV/MPV); Porsche Cayenne V6 (Best 4x4); and Chevrolet Spark (Nedbank Best Value for Money Car of the Year).

Monday, August 13, 2007

for Jackie ... a post.

It’s been a long weekend and I am in desperate need of a quiet place and a good book. My office is cold … again and the job search goes on as these things usually do.

The interview on Friday went not in the way I’d hoped which just goes to show: recognise your sources for what they are and always remember to place things in context. It’s very important.


Most of Thursday was taken up by Tim’s surprise breakfast bash, getting my car washed and preparing for Friday’s interview. Friday was interview in the morning and then I spent the rest of the day watching the most brilliant TV show in recent times. HEROS’s.


I’ll refrain from discussing my views and feeling on the final episode other than to say I can’t wait for the next season to be available.

To me this is bloody Buffy all over again.


Saturday and Sunday were mostly taken up by volunteer training for the T20 cricket world cup to be held in South Africa in September this year. Training is a boring but necessary evil. Thankfully it was interspersed by a lovely stay over at Reservoir Hills.  It has been a long time since I stayed over. I spent most of Saturday night watching One Tree Hill and do think I may have watched one of the best episodes of the series judging by the episodes before and after. Now I’m in a state. I need to know what happens to Peyton. My theory is that Brook will save the day, they’ll be friends again and all will be well with the Hill until of course the next dramatic disaster.


And then there was Sunday. The morning was taken up be the necessary evil. Thankfully we got to leave earlier than planed. Much of the training that was done was on customer service which was ironic seeing as how in Sunday evening I was treated to the most shocking display of customer service I have ever experienced in my life. Sunday evening was a brilliant example of really really bad customer service.

On the eve of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, South Africa is in a bit of a tailspin. The FWC is the biggest event in the world; bigger than the Olympics even. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world and we are going to be hosting the biggest event relating to it. We’re wondering if our infrastructure can survive this kind of global event. Is Eskom going to get themselves into gear? Will Telkom allow us to connect to the Internet at the same speeds as in other countries? Will there be a decent public transport system?

All these questions are more are being asked but we are forgetting one other very crucial thing.

Will the customer care in this country be up to scratch?


From my experience last night with the manager of Ster-Kinekor Gateway, Sunesh, I’m beginning to wonder if we’ll get our act together in time. It does not matter what a customer says or does you never, ever talk back to a customer, tell them that they are rude, say that you don’t want to speak to them and then turn your back on them and walk away WHILE THEY ARE SPEAKING TO YOU.

You also never approach the customer with your body language screaming that you don’t actually care what they have to say and are annoyed that they expect you to deal with something. It only succeeds in making them angrier.

And yes I got very very angry.

Retail is a difficult place to be but at the end of the day the customer is supposed to be the happy person. A happy customer is a customer that keeps coming back. It’s true that an unhappy customer will come back as well but that’s a lack of options more than anything else. Gateway is the most convenient for me so I go there. Visitors to our beautiful country in 2010 will have the rest of the world to choose from. They don’t have to come back here. Perhaps it’s time to also start focusing on customer relations as well. It is just as important as infrastructure. Do we want to gain a reputation as a country with shoddy customer care?


So now it is up to us to ensure that this problem is dealt with. So the next time you experience bad customer service say something. It’s not about getting free movies (which I didn’t btw) or your money back. It’s about ensuring that people who visit our country don’t have to add this to the list of things that desperately need work.


Also if you have the time, stop by and say Hi to Sunesh, hopefully he’ll be more helpful to you than he was with me.



Monday, August 06, 2007


Sometimes good intentions are self serving.


I experienced a case of self serving good intentions this weekend that left me rather annoyed. A very nice individual (G) decided to come and speak to me about my relationship with a person (X) connected to me. With obviously good intentions, G told me that I should make attempts to repair the relationship with X; He sprouted scripture and idioms concerning unconditional love and everything that I had heard before from a million other people. I do understand where G is coming from and I do applaud him for his efforts of the X’s behalf. But G has not idea of X has done and so all his efforts were in vain.


As far as X is concerned I am the epitome of polite and courteous behaviour and I do believe that no more can or should be asked of me. I understand the concepts of forgiveness and acceptance and whole heartedly embrace them as well. After all if I cannot forgive and accept, how can I expect to be forgiven and accepted?


But there is a line that I will not cross. Not out of defiance and rudeness but rather to protect myself and my rather fragile sensibilities where X is concerned. I will be the first to admit that I loose myself in a myriad of negative emotions far too easily. And so to protect myself and those that I do not care to burden with my unrelenting anguish, I keep my distance from X. It is an arrangement that suits everybody concerned.


Good intentions can be self serving. G’s good intentions served only his need to feel that he was imparting some good advice to someone who obviously needed it. I accepted what he said in a gracious manner and moved on. I do not feel guilty concerning my behaviour toward X nor do I feel that there need’s to be any adjustment in the relationship.


This whole incident taught me a very good lesson though; sometimes we speak without fully understanding a situation.


Our good intentions might not be good at all.

Friday, August 03, 2007

a new leaf

I had a life changing experience last night. One that made me run home and exercise. Last night I watched a single person eat in a single sitting the amount of food I eat across an entire day. This experience has made me change my prospective on food and the way I eat and without doubt my diet. Then I listened to the same individual catalogue the sweet food they had eaten the night before. While hearing about it I felt all the blood rushing to my head. How one person can eat all that in one sitting is beyond me.


My life is has been irrevocably changed.

I need to take this opportunity to thank MRS Hoover for helping me realise that I actually want to live a full productive life. So this is turning over a new leaf or whatever.



In the spirit of this change I am attempting to find the simple things in my life that I am grateful for. One thing that I am grateful for is exercise. I do believe that there a very few things that are better than steeping under a wonderfully hot shower after exercising and just letting the blissfully hot water run over you. And then the sleep that you have that night is also pretty great I think.


After my life changing experience last night I think I’m gonna have many more great showers after exercise.