Friday, August 17, 2007

he's what?

Is Wentworth Miller gay?


The press seems to think so despite the fact that Wentworth himself has denied it publicly a few times. The truth is that hundred of hopeful females around the world don’t want him to be gay. They also didn’t want Will Young to be gay. After all if he was there’s goes that chance of scoring with him somehow.


Apparently the agents for Thomas Dekker who plays Zach in the hit TV show Hero’s was pulled off the show for playing a gay character. There seems to be a big fascination with Hollywood and being gay. You either are and they love you or you’re not and they try force you into being one.


If Wentworth is gay does it really change the fact that he is really actually in fact extremely good looking? I don’t think it will change his star appeal. He’ll last till the next big thing.

You’re only a star until the next hot guy.


Hmm Channing Tatum. Soon he’ll be gay too.


And bloody hell can we take a moment and remember he’s an actor. He should be able to act straight or gay.

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