Friday, August 03, 2007

a new leaf

I had a life changing experience last night. One that made me run home and exercise. Last night I watched a single person eat in a single sitting the amount of food I eat across an entire day. This experience has made me change my prospective on food and the way I eat and without doubt my diet. Then I listened to the same individual catalogue the sweet food they had eaten the night before. While hearing about it I felt all the blood rushing to my head. How one person can eat all that in one sitting is beyond me.


My life is has been irrevocably changed.

I need to take this opportunity to thank MRS Hoover for helping me realise that I actually want to live a full productive life. So this is turning over a new leaf or whatever.



In the spirit of this change I am attempting to find the simple things in my life that I am grateful for. One thing that I am grateful for is exercise. I do believe that there a very few things that are better than steeping under a wonderfully hot shower after exercising and just letting the blissfully hot water run over you. And then the sleep that you have that night is also pretty great I think.


After my life changing experience last night I think I’m gonna have many more great showers after exercise.

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