Wednesday, September 05, 2007

the first day of the rest of your life

Everyday can be the first day of the rest of your life.
In the last few weeks I've been taking steps to get my life going. sometimes honestly I do feel like I'm missing something, as though life just passed me by and I never took the steps to grab hold and take plunge. Maybe that's the reason I'm an avid supporter of the lifestyle Jeremy has embraced which as all of you may know has been the source of endless discussion. Some may argue that perhaps I'm trying to live vicariously through my brother.
Well just to put the record straight - I'm not. I just want him to experience all that life has to offer. Within limits of course. If Jeremy or any of my family for that matter ever do something so stupid, it warrents a visit to the nearest psyce ward, they'll hear about it ... loudly. (that includes you!)
But that is not what this post is about. In the last few weeks I've been putting into place steps to rectify that situation. Tae bo and going back onto the diet with a vengence, make lifestyle plans and changes and today the biggest event of them all - signing my letter of appointment to my new job.
I start on the 1st of October as the new Juniour Account Executive for Primedia @Home. This is an excellent move for me. I've really been feeling like I've been stagnating and just waving as life passed me by in the last few months so this is almost like drinking from the fountain of youth for me.
So today is the first day of the rest of my life. A life filled with the satisfaction of knowing that i'm not sitting on my butt but actually going out there are doing something worthwhile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
