Wednesday, February 20, 2008

pink spandex

Have I ever mentioned how much I absolutely love sitting on the phone and being on hold. I live for it. It makes every moment of my otherwise boring life seem so much more worthwhile. Those moments on the dance floor or eating the most divine food mean nothing when compared to sound of the telephone filling my ears. Everything else seems to pale in comparison to these moment.  Even my wedding day.


Okay I might be pushing it a bit now.


I've thinking a lot about skin colour recently.


Skin colour has been the topic of many an endless debate. Does the colour of your skin define who you are? Does it make you the person you were meant to be? Does it determine the role you play in society and how society itself perceives you?


Yes all of these things matter along with the reason I've been thinking about skin colour.


It all happened when I walked into a little store tucked away on a corner. Out of mind and out of site. I was dazzled. The clothes were lovely and clothes that in a normal day and time, I would never be wearing. However I had just been on the receiving end of a challenge to make myself noticeable and to "wear something insane". It was a challenge I took on with great relish. I thought about it quite a bit. "Something insane" can mean many things and lately personally, I've grown accustomed to my white hoodie with the skulls and cross bones.


So in this little store I stumbled across a neon pink spandex halter neck top that just screamed 'INSANE'. I gave into the voice at the back of me head and bought it.

I went home and demurely tried it on. After all one of my shape and size should never under any circumstances be wearing anything spandex … ever … at all.  Never mind the halter part

And there I was standing on the toilet in my bathroom staring at myself in neon pink spandex


Can I just say


I looked something brilliant.


And it had everything to do with the darkness of my skin. The neon pink seemed to take on a life of it own and really I looked something that I could never imagine my looking like.

Perhaps it was the challenge that enabled me to take this bold step but even to my own critical eye which is too often to put myself down, I could not think of a reason why I should not be seen in neon pink.


The point of this little diatribe is that I realised I don't have a problem with the colour of clothes. I look good in any colour. Even neon green. I know this cos I wear neo green every time I teach Sunday school.


So my skin colour may not be the favoured one world wide but at least I look good in all the colours the rainbow has to offer.

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