Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s official.

The night lights have been turned on again in Durban.

It was a beautiful event. In all of it’s narcotic and drunken glory. It was a night of celebration for everyone who attended; a veritable orgy of light and sound. March 1st 2008 will go down in history as one of the best night ever.

That’s all. I can’t really say much more other than that the pink went down very well.

And finally two word’s to the brilliant DJ’s


Oh and I broke all my black bangles …. Darn


Thank you to JEREMY. You made it happen.
Thank you to JACKIE for doing my hair.
Thank you to BAHEYA. I promise not to be as much trouble next time.
Thank you to LILY ROSE. Hot stuff lady.
Thank you to the DJ that played Detroit City. Who ever you are, you fulfilled one of my fantasies.
THANK YOU to MARC T. You are the SHIT.

Finally and most importantly. THANK YOU to MR HOLROYD. You are IT.


Jackie said...

I got a thank u!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am really upset bout the black bangles. Please buy more

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