Wednesday, December 10, 2008

OMG ... HSM3 ... WTF???

Toby, Dylan and Kayla. Two nephews and a niece and the possibility of another of each on the way but its two early to tell yet.

Toby lives within a 5km radius of me so I do see him with semi regular frequency. He also gets showered with gifts semi regularly frequently. Little nick naks thing courtesy of McDonald and Baron Sandwich’s children’s meal. Kayla and Dylan don't live so very close to me. So the gift thing happens just about only once a year. This annual gift sending however has to be decent to make up for birthdays and Christmas’s' that have been missed.

Thus every year begins the annual hunt for a few good gifts and despite promising myself that I'll stock up as the year progresses. So in the final weeks as the count to lift off begins, I find my self engaging in a frantic effort to find the perfect memorable educational entirely fun gifts.

A tall order

Dylan is nearly three. So anything that has wheels and is movable counts. And thanks to my input Spiderman and Batman count as well. Now as a child who was into spiderman and Batman cartoons, I can relate to the almost three year old. Bat Mobile ??? Bring it on anytime.

Kayla on the other hand is a little girl. I don’t remember being a little girl. I didn’t have a Barbie. I had a police car and handcuffs. So delving into the world of little girl things is new and incredible scary for me. It was in this journey that I discovered the Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana and High School Musical.

Previously there were all just names. Names and titles that I breezed by during my daily read of WENN news on IMDB.COM. Today in a trip to get a Spiderman Car (tiny but looks like the bat mobile) I discovered the world of High School Musical otherwise known as HSM. It was enough to leave my head spinning.

There are sticker books WITHOUT STICKERS, wall hangings, games, posters, poster books. The cherry in the proverbial HSM (as it is known in popular circles) was the figurines that cost R329.00 which nearly made me cry.

Those little children that women sometimes spend hours bringing into the world have the nerve to go on ahead and follow a trilogy of musicals that costs thousand of dollars in a supposedly “dying” economy. So while poor people who earn R2500 survive barely making ends meet, Troy and Gabrielle lounge around in New York Penthouses while their looks alikes sit under Christmas trees.

I guess it’s hard being a parent and an Aunt. I closed my eyes and took the HSM stationary set. At least she can use it while getting an education.

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