Monday, March 30, 2009


Every South African blog has at some point or another discussed
something that relates to race and the various never ending issues
that surround it. I've done a few posts from what I'd like to think of
as a unique perspective.

On Friday I found something new to be annoyed about and something that
has changed part of my perspective on the whole race deal. The lovely
Indian car guard helped the white lady with a teenage daughter and the
white guy who had a stack of beer. He left me to my devices and only
came to stand at my car for the customary car guard tip which I'm sure
he felt he was entitled to. After all I'm Indian and supposed to help
a brother out. Never mind that I had to do everything myself

I have no idea where some people picked up the idea that certain race
groups are some how better than all the races on the planet and it
really irks me when I see some Indian people turn around stick out
their backsides out. A good friend often says that we teach people how
to treat us. If we call the annoying friend that only ever sends
PLEASE CALL ME's, you encourage that behaviour. No one to blame but

You stick your backside out and you're gonna get swatted.

Perhaps you think that I'm the last who should speak after all I
regularly make an effort to ensure that life is easier for one of
them. But the situation in itself irks me. Who is in the right?
Perhaps the whole group of people out there will tell you that they're
doing what they think is right.

I recall reading a article by some guy from India who thanked
colonialism and the British for the life that he has. After all
without the British, he argues that he never would have had the fine
education that he got or every other supposedly "good" thing in his
life. But one must question if the British in fact added value to any
one's life. It's an interesting arguments and while I do think it's
important to give credit where credit is due, I think we must also
remember that hundreds of people lived their lives just fine before
the Britain came along.

Have we lost some sense of ourselves along the way? When we are soo
eager to bend over backwards to please someone based soley on the
colour of their skin?

Thursday, March 26, 2009


The little Lord Voldermort

Hero Fiennes-Tiffin is the young nephew of the adult Voldermort. According the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince director David Yates, Hero was chosen based on his resemblance to his famous uncle.
The Harry Potter franchise seems as though it's coming to an end. And despite publishers die hard attempts, Twilight is NOT a worth successor. The book trade however will survive.
Who knows when the next big thing will arive.
Hero here however seems to emobody all of my personal ideals of what the young Tom Riddle would have been like.
Here's hoping the movie captures the best part of the book. Previous movies have left out some stuff and been disappointing.
Let's not revisit the book vs movie debate

Wednesday, March 25, 2009




I've been a fan of Oasis for almost a decade. The first song I remember is Champagne Supernova and from there it was only all the way up. I've changed alot since hearing those first lyrics but my love for the band and their music has not changed.

It's been a battle of wills to get to the place where I have both plane ticket and GOLDEN CIRCLE concert ticket but eventually my love of life won out. After all who knows if i'm ever gonna have the chance to see oasis live in concert ever again. This may be my one and only chance and like I told my mother

"I don't want to be 50, look back and see that I had the chance and didn't take it"

So I fly up on the morning of the concert, go straight to the venue, ROCK OUT to the brilliant bands then maybe/maybe not head straight back to the airport for a 7am flight back to Durban.

It's gonna be a HECTIC 24 hours. I LOVE IT

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Slumdog debate

Slumdog Millionaire is an award winning movie based on award winning book.

The movie vs. the book debate has been around since the first movie based on a book. Sadly we live in a society where most people would rather see the movie than read the book. Personally for me, a book has so much more detail. And you never quite get a character in a movie the same way you do in a book. A movie is around 2 hours now. It’s not nearly long enough to get in-depth with the idiosyncrasies of the characters or really get up close and personal with them.

Q & A (the book upon which the movie is based) is beautifully written story. Poetic almost in the way it flows between the adventures of Ram Thomas Mohammed.
Slumdog is beautiful in its own way, cinematography and editing at its finest. The movie helps showcase an India that not many have seen other than on the pages of National Geographic.

For myself however, I can’t help but feel that the book provided a bit more of an intelligent feel than the movie. Vikas Swarup the author of Q & A is at present stationed in Pretoria as India's Deputy High Commissioner to South Africa. On the other side of the picture is director Danny Boyle, well known for Trainspotting and Shallow Graves. There’s distinct feel to this movie that isn’t in the books. The movie transcends intellectual boundaries and is an everyman’s movie. The book just felt more thinker’s cup of tea to me.

I’m aware that I sound like an intellectual snob. Oops if you have a problem with it.

While on the subject of books vs. movie...

Has anyone seen twilight? Bella Swan is an abused female. She must be STOPPED.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

19 March

Supposedly Highveld Stereo did a who a while ago mocking Indians.




The one thing we all have in common.  Having never heard the show I don’t that I’m in any position to comment and really what can I say that has not already been said on the forum’s of Biz Community.

I do however think that the Indian community of South Africa got a raw deal. Speak like “an Indian” and you get made fun off or looked at funny, speak like a “white”  and you’re trying TOOO hard.


A never ending really sad cycle.


I’ve been reading over old blog posts today. I went back to MAY 2007 when dearest anonymous told me that my posts were pathetic and I’m wondering if somehow and somewhere along the way, I changed the way I write because of ANON the Cockroach. I’m not sure I have. I most certainly hope I have not.


It’s getting colder which mean better sleep. I can’t wait for the really cold days to hit us. I’m waiting eagerly for Lindt Hot Chocolate. I’ll miss ice cream though.  This is a random post cos I have time and have not posted for a while.


As always I usually have plenty to say but when it come  to the crunch it all flies out my head.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


... work together for the good of those who love God-those whom he has called according to his plan.

Perhaps I'm being a bit over spiritual but in the last fer months I've learnt to just let it lie. I'm by no means perfect. I still stress over stuff. I still get upset by people's stupid comments. At the end of the day I still sometimes feel like I'm wearing a blue and white check dress with a white belt, white socks and no idea about why things happen the way they do.

but as i've been told oer and over again.

ALL THING work together for the good of those who love God.

This week was a particular crazy one. I worked really hard on a proposal. Perhaps it's the three months of having been at home and the crazyness of not knowing how and where I stand in my new job. (I am standing though) that has lead me to not be performing at my optimimum best.

Despite that my proposal was not bad. The sad thing is that it was handed over by someone else as their work. I should be used to that. In fact there are lot of thing I should be used to BUT I'm not.

Perhaps I'm naive. trusting people to always to the right thing.

who knows.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Sometimes in my life I feel like I have arrived. Sitting pretty where I want to be and moving in the general direction of forward.


And then there are times where I feel like the carpet has been pulled out from under my feet and it was a magic flying carpet and now I’m free falling at an alarming rate.


At times like those I’m grateful for Jeremiah 29:11