Wednesday, March 25, 2009




I've been a fan of Oasis for almost a decade. The first song I remember is Champagne Supernova and from there it was only all the way up. I've changed alot since hearing those first lyrics but my love for the band and their music has not changed.

It's been a battle of wills to get to the place where I have both plane ticket and GOLDEN CIRCLE concert ticket but eventually my love of life won out. After all who knows if i'm ever gonna have the chance to see oasis live in concert ever again. This may be my one and only chance and like I told my mother

"I don't want to be 50, look back and see that I had the chance and didn't take it"

So I fly up on the morning of the concert, go straight to the venue, ROCK OUT to the brilliant bands then maybe/maybe not head straight back to the airport for a 7am flight back to Durban.

It's gonna be a HECTIC 24 hours. I LOVE IT

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