Wednesday, March 11, 2009


... work together for the good of those who love God-those whom he has called according to his plan.

Perhaps I'm being a bit over spiritual but in the last fer months I've learnt to just let it lie. I'm by no means perfect. I still stress over stuff. I still get upset by people's stupid comments. At the end of the day I still sometimes feel like I'm wearing a blue and white check dress with a white belt, white socks and no idea about why things happen the way they do.

but as i've been told oer and over again.

ALL THING work together for the good of those who love God.

This week was a particular crazy one. I worked really hard on a proposal. Perhaps it's the three months of having been at home and the crazyness of not knowing how and where I stand in my new job. (I am standing though) that has lead me to not be performing at my optimimum best.

Despite that my proposal was not bad. The sad thing is that it was handed over by someone else as their work. I should be used to that. In fact there are lot of thing I should be used to BUT I'm not.

Perhaps I'm naive. trusting people to always to the right thing.

who knows.

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