Wednesday, December 13, 2006


It has been a long week and Christmas is almost upon us. I forgot to renew my library books again and am so gearing up for astonishingly hefty fine. Also I am feeling a case of the nerves. I will be married for two years in two days. The best thing about that I that now I have crossed the two year hard part. There’s only another like 50 or however long we live left.


But marriage like everything else is difficult. Maybe a little more difficult than everything else. You see the thing is that if you have a fight with a friend you can go home. Scream in your own steam, have some ice-cream and then meet, cry and get over it and bond over shoes, clothes, kitchenware, - whatever strikes your fancy, but when you’re married  you are home damnit. You really can’t go any where and I’ll be damned before I let you walk out the house and spend the night at the Holiday Inn with room service and free bath stuff while I stay home and cry into a smelly pillow.


Before you ask …. Yes I have issues. A very happy marriage yes and issues


Also it’s the two year mark. The question on everybody’s bloody lips is


                        “When are you gonna have a baby?”


Umm … let’s see when I finally think that is actually worth it to have my wonderful blissfully disordered life tossed into chaos by a screaming squalling infant. It’s what I’ve been dreaming off since I realised my breast are more than mere man-attracters or my husband refers to them ‘super-powers’,


The truth is that my marriage is on of the most fulfilling things into my entire life. I was blessed with a wonderful husband who thinks I’m so very amazing despite all of me very obvious faults. It may be just two years but these have been the most wonderful two years of my life and there have been a million ups and downs and we moved three times. We’re awful to each other when then shops are busy and when we’re tired and hungry. But I know that I know that I know that he loves me more than anything else in the world.


And I also know that we’ll be together forever. I know this to true as well because in this day and age with the cost of living, there is no way I can afford to get dirvorced



Thursday, December 07, 2006


Since beginning this journey I must admit that I have in fact become better at the whole blogging process. Especially since I discovered that all I had to do was type into an email whatever I wanted to say and click send. A beautiful process.

I did however have some free time today and though I should have a look at what else I could do with my blog. It felt boring to me. Lines and lines of text in a format that didn’t really reflect me. So on I went and made some changes. I must admit I like them a lot.

the morning after the night before

Last night was the staff Christmas party for the book store that I work at on Saturday morning only. And not every Saturday morning at that because even I (yes I do) have a life where books are not at all involved.

Somebody once said to me they knew when they were at my place by the books on every single surface all over the house. Yes I read a lot. I am well read. Let’s move on shall we?


So back to the Christmas Party. We went to a place called Baan Thai. I must say the food was wonderful. Very delicate flavours and just the right amount of spices.  Last night for the first time ever I had duck. It’s actually quite good. I had no idea. So yes I will be having it again … should the circumstances arise.



Anyway the best part or parties is the in my not-so-humble opinion is the giving of gifts. It is of course all fun and games until somebody get hurt. Nobody got hurt. And there were some good gifts. I must admit when working in a budget, it forces you to be creative especially when you have to buy something that either sex can use. I got a cup. It says.  “Good morning let the stress begin”


How very appropriate. J


It was a good party and I really can’t wait for the next one. I love the bookstore and you know what I don’t think I’ll ever stop.


Monday, December 04, 2006

a busy time to be had by all


Another day, another dollar.


Well I suppose in the South African context, it would be


Another day, Another Rand … dollar just seems to work better.


It’s only Monday and already it has been a long week. People I cannot even begin to tell you just how tired I am. It’s has been one thing after another since the beginning of last month (November) and let’s just say December is not famous for its restful aura. No that more a June/ July type thing. The winter months. They automatically means long sleeping hours. So where to begin? What have I been up to the last few weeks?


Well the exciting news is that I am now the proud owner of the LOTR extended DVD box set. I’ve already started watching even though I have yet to finish prison break and need to return DVD’s that contain beautiful Wentworth Miller on them. No matter. I will survive.


I made a very lovely chocolate cake for Tim’s grandfather on Saturday. It was in celebration of his 86th Birthday. Can you ever? So what if he’s all wrinkled and keeps calling me Carol. 86 is one hell of an accomplishment.


What else …

Oh yes. This is an achievement of note. I survived in a room full of children. And I was not spat on, none oft hem had runny noses and thankfully they could all go to the toilet themselves. I draw the line there.


So a busy yet fulfilling weekend and this morning a wonderful friend gave me the opportunity to pass on pearls of wisdom to her. Like I said to her when I was done “when did I get so wise?” She laughed and was certain that she had no idea at all.


So now dear non existent readers my fondest wish is to go home and go to bed and sleep a dreamlees sleep. Oh and to eat the breyani my aunt sent me. hmmm breyani.  It’s been a while
















Monday, November 20, 2006

the plague of my life

After a long time away due to things that just seemed more important that sending posts to my blog. I would just like to say …



It’s done, I’m over.


My essay has been completed and handed in courtesy of Vani who is officially one of the nicest most helpful people in the world. And there are no more studying complications for me.   OR are there???


That question remains to be answered. But as of right now, I am a free women



Monday, November 13, 2006

Just great

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to full comprehend the complexities of the human race. And part of me sometimes thinks I really don’t want to. Now in my humble opinion I am a fairly intelligent individual, actually I know I am. But it still eludes me as to how some people can be so DUMB!!!


I do think that sometimes it’s just a lot better to just stay in bed.


Had the most awesome afternoon on Saturday. Essay still not done though. Mmm life.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

ahhh being indain

Well the thing about me being as absent mined as I am is that sometimes it escapes my notice entirely that I don’t have anything to put on my sandwiches for lunch sometimes. It used to be very upsetting but NO MORE.


You see the office where I work is stuck all the way of the back of 205 Northway and it’s behind GES house. Now to access the building you have to go down the road and into that entrance and then walk all the way down right to the end and that is where my office is. Nestled away safe from all prying eyes and everything else.

Well on Umhlanga Rocks Drive is a little Indian restaurant called Orientals. I went there for the first time on Monday when we forgot to buy bread. I stood at the counter and stared pensively up at the menu. What could I eat that would not make me burn?

In all my wisdom and yearning for the carefree days of taking a bus and remembering Kara nichas’s I opted to go with a ¼ boneless mutton bunny.

Now for all of you who have no idea. A bunny is simply the bottom part of a loaf of bread (1/4 means it ¼ of the loaf) with the insides pulled out and curry poured in and the insides stuffed onto.


Now let me assure you …



The smell of it all took me back to childhood. I still remember having my first bunny. My dad took us to some shoddy place somewhere and bought bunnies. It came with a little carrot salad and some pickle. I had no idea what it was. I don’t remember if I liked it but I remember the salad. Years later I remember sitting with my cousins at the beach with not a lot of money. Luckily though, we had enough to get 2 beans bunnies.

To be entirely honest there’s not really anything as satisfying as the feeling of curried potatoes when the melt in your mouth or the site of that little bit of bread with the curry bits soaking through. The smell of it alone can take you back to places that buried deep within the recess of your mind.


And the truth behind everything is that no matter how you go no matter how much you change. Be it the way you look, the way you smell, your name even. You are more than just what you are now. Behind you there’s a history behind you of a thousand people that eat with their hand.


In short lately I’ve been feeling as though people don’t see me as Indian and I want to say I may not be Hindi and I may not fast and I may not say ‘and all’ I don’t live in Phoenix or Chatsworth’s. I’ve been accused of speaking like a white person and I may not always eat Indian food or even know what half of them are. But at the end of it all. I’m Indian. And you know what. I’m thankful that I am.







Wednesday, November 08, 2006

the thing about family

It has been a long time since my last post. Good news; my group did really well on our advertising project. The last of the Royal Four has been released in South Africa and has already been read and placed on the bookshelf and all I have to work on now is a research essay that I’m not sure how long it should be and all that wada wada wada.   


So my mom-in-law went in to have her knees replaced yesterday. That was hectic. The thing about being part of two families is that you have not had years of training on how to ‘be’ with your partners family. You aren’t really aware of all the little nuances and the little thing that make all the difference. Now with my biological family I know exactly when to be quite and what exactly to do at all stages.

With my husband’s wonderful family I often feel like a fish out of water. Am I doing the right thing? And I expect that this feeling will not go away with time. I think that for the rest of my life I will always be wondering ‘Am I doing the wrong thing? What if they think I’m fake?”


The best bit of this entire ordeal is that I know them quite well by now and they don’t have it in them. They are really nice. Complicated to me sometimes but really nice. They don’t really care about airs and graces and well my ovaries are named air and grace. So all in all a trying time will be had by me across my lifetime. But if you think about it, it’s all my own fault really. After all Tim’s family is wonderful; accepting just as you are. Not that my family isn’t mind you. I do think at the end of the day it might just be me.


And I suppose that is the first thing to acceptance. Accept that you are in fact slightly neurotic. After all my own family is also entirely uncomplicated and I always feel that everything has to be entirely perfect.


God bless my wonderful husband who has grace to put up me.

Okay I’ll stop rambling now.


So Tim’s mom is okay and we’re getting her a really nice bunch of flowers that I’m happy with.



Tuesday, October 31, 2006

the weekend in review

Oh it has been a crazy week of note. On a positive side, my final presentation for advertising went rather smashingly well. I made rather gigantic mistakes during the run through. But in the end I was cool calm collected and had a great time.

I think that our presentation was enjoyed by all present. We had some really good ideas. It’s a great idea.


Right now though I’m really tired. I have this big thing about waking up in the wrong time of my REM cycle. I heard that if you wake up when you’re rather deep in, you’re tired for rest of the day. So I believe I woke at the wrong time. Oh dear.

The other annoying this is that I’m at work and there is no milk in the fridge. I hate when that happens and I forgot the creamer. It’s very annoying.


On positive notes I made my first piece of jewellery and got a Russell Hobbes coffee machine (YEAH).

This was the highlight of my weekend. It was great.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Right then


When last did I post and what happened in that time?

I got my marks on my first assignment back. I think we did fairly well considering that the group was comprised of a few people who work full time.

That’s exciting news. Well it was for me anyway.


YEAH today is Friday. Not much to do all weekend with the exception of working on my second group project. This I’m actually quite excited about. I think it’s gonna be great.


Okay that’s all for now. May post again later. I’ll have to see.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

blog email

While messing around on my blog account,  I discovered that I can do my blog in an email and send it of and then it will appear on my blog account.


Mmm …  I wonder if this will work. It is stiflingly hot today and I am at a loss on so many issues.

Sometimes I wonder if we purposely want our lives to be filled with so much drama so that we have something to do. I’m in a bit of a mood today. Is this all worth it?

We get up every morning change clothes and then go of to work. We come home, eat occasionally shag and that is our lives mostly.


What the point?



the week in review

I have an odd week. I go to campus on Mondays, work a 9-5 job Tuesdays to Fridays, work at the bookshop on Saturday mornings from 8:30 to 1 and have church on Sundays. Every single day of my week has some sort regular activity attached to it. I have a regular schedule. I understand that you are probably thinking what the big deal with that is. We all have regular schedules. Well the thing is that for the last three years of my life I didn’t. The most regular thing about my life was the irregularities about it. I never knew for certain that I absolutely had something on every day. I would wait like the rest or the clan to receive my two week schedule and then have to plan my life around that. Now I can make plans in advance. It’s exhilarating.

With one small exception …
It feels as though I have been cramming three years worth of social engagements into one month. Not nearly enough time and so there is still a pile of pots that need to be washed and my rather busy social life is not providing me time to wash the pots.
It’s all rather sad really.
Don’t worry after using them I did rinse them out so there isn’t anything growing in them. No this weekend I have decided to simply stay at home and be by myself with my husband and to forsake all others with of course the exception being my advertising group. I shall be meeting them @ 12 on Sunday after church.
The good thing about that is that mayhap the dishes will be done by Saturday

Friday, October 20, 2006

We often get told that at the end of our lives it's the little things that we remember that make a difference. I have finally calmed down enough to relate a story I will no doubt look back on at the end of my life and laugh about … or at least I hope so.

So Wednesday was meant to be a really nice day. I got all dressed up and headed down to Exclusive Books at Gateway. We were hosting a really lovely Irish author that night (lets’ call him John) and while I was meant to be on duty, it was fine because I could mingle and be part of the crowd. Anyway the author was very lovely and he was very very funny. He stood for the longest time signing books for people which I think is very nice of any author who comes to visit us.

Anyway so that part of the evening went relatively well. Nobody fainted or screamed or caused general embarrassment to themselves or the general South African public. John and his team left after all the guests and the team for the evening were left behind with food and drink and tidy up chores. Well everything went according to plan … (we did what we needed to do)… and finally the shift was coming to an end. Everything that needed to be running for the night was running and everything that needed to be out away had found itself in its rightful place.

And I as I as putting my beautiful stiletto heeled boots back on I heard the words I will never forget for a long time.

“Where are the keys for the back gate?”

Now let me explain. There are two keys. 1 for the security gate at the back where we let ourselves out and the other set are the main stores keys that get dropped into a safe every night. I had already dropped the main set.
The other key is a single key that hangs on a hook attached to a key ring that is attached to a yellow telly tubby. (Is that how you spell it?) . There was a telly tubby but no key.

And so we were locked inside the store.

And it was really late and all I really wanted to do was go home and sleep. But there we were … locked inside the store.

At least the story has a happy ending. Somebody came to let us out. But well it’s Friday today and I am beginning to recover my ordeal.
It’s still not all that funny in a “Am I gonna get out of here?” way. It’s frightening. I never want to be locked in anywhere ever again

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

JZ you're pathetic

I saw the most disguiting thing in my email today. JZ pushing around a women on his recent South African Tour.
it's unbelivable and entirely disrespectful. i cannot believe that a man of his reptation would behave like that. although now that I think about it wh should I be surprised. After all his video feature scantily clad women that are not much more that eye candy.
it's pathetic and disgusting and do me a favour JZ try not to come back to South Africa. we want men here to respect women.
Do you know anything about 1956 and the famous march by women.

here in south africa JZ when you strike a women, you strike a rock.

you're pathetic

Thursday, September 28, 2006

How about that

So i'm attempting to join the wonderful world of blogging. first of i have to say that ... well I'm not that good of a spelling machine. smetimes i just don't get it. also i don't always read back. so there might be some weird stuff in here.

what to write about ...
i hear that blogs are all the rage now. kind of like an online diary. well I don't know how many people are going to be interested in my life but well i guess I'll just have to wait and see.
i just started a new job. that's pretty cool. I used to work shift work and not like it was a definate planned thing. there was no structure to my life at all. it was great but horrid all at the same time. all i knew what that the maid comes on wednesday and that was the only thing i could depend on. I could never make plans wiht firends cos i may be working. most people took the weekend to relax. i worked. but all of the is over now and yeah; so maybe this blog will be all about the cool things that me new life will involve including structure and routine. of wow that might be something hey.

anyway it's back to work for me.