Friday, March 30, 2007

The System

First National Bank has set up a new Internet Banking system. This new Internet Banking system proudly features my insanely long surname before I got married. So like any good person who has ever dealt with banks, I called to find out why.


I spoke to a really nice man on the other side of the phone and told him that shortly after I got married over two years ago, I made my trip to the bank to fill out all necessary paper work to change my names on the bank’s system. I asked him if he could possibly check my name on the system to see what they had. Unfortunately I did not have my account number handy but could I give him my ID number.


His prompt response was to enquire if my ID number had changed after I got married.




And people wonder about the exceedingly high emigration rate of this country.  

Thursday, March 29, 2007

all sorts of feelings

I must be honest


I feel all sorts of weird right now. Sort of like I’m here not really I’m actually far far away. So many things are uncertain for me right now. I feel like I want to pack up my whole life and just disappear into the sunset.


It really would not take much you know. Sometimes I think there really is nothing here for me. last night I told my husband that outside of my family. He;s been there the longest. There has been nobody else in my life that stayed. Nobody that stuck. I don’t remember child hood friends. I’m not even sure I had any. I feel like my whole life. All I’ve ever wanted is to belong and I don’t know if I ever will. I have always felt like the piece of the puzzle that didn’t quite fit right. From a distance all looked fine and okay but up close. It never really was

may have spoken to soon

I may have spoken to soon concerning the sibling thing.


Turns out he was defending my honour this morning.

and so the plot thickens

So there I was merrily minding my own business at the birthday celebration of one of my dearest friends. A good time was being had by all. As usual celebrations are interrupted by phone calls. Mobile phones. One of the greatest and most annoying inventions ever made.


I received a call from brother dearest to find out exactly what I told my mother in our conversation on the weekend.


Because I am now being branded as a sell-out! And names that were never even mentioned are joining the fray.

YEAH for me. I stood up for my brother. I guess it was too much to expect him to do the same for me. After all he called me to find out if I said anything. Instead of merely believing what was said to him when I called him to warn him of the coming storm.


YES the sibling relationship is changing. I am beginning to realise that all my efforts where brother dearest are concerned are all for nought. He has his own posse and I’m just the only other person on the planet that shares enough DNA with him should he require a kidney or some other vital interchangeable body part somewhere in the never-ending future.


I am also angered as being labelled as the sell out. I will answer questions I am asked honestly. Perhaps everybody should consider what I had to go through considering that I was being interrogated over other people’s behaviour. Not once but twice.

I will say it again





I will say it again





Wednesday, March 28, 2007


The week is half way through and I must admit that it has been a week of sleepless nights. Right now the bigest thing on my mind is that I want my car back. Or rather more accurately I want my darling husband to have his own car again. I must admit that the last few months have been an excellent example of my own abiltiy to “roll with the punches” as the saying goes.


It really has been one thing after another and I have no idea when any of it might end. Who knows what will happen and who it will affect. Like I said the storm is coming. A few of the lighting stirkes have already been sent my way and yes we have discussed my feeling on those things. Yes I was and still am angry but frankly, my dear, who gives a damn? I guess in the end we all “roll with the punches”. I guess it is a pity then that some punches are a lot harder than others.


One of the things to looks forward to is that one of my best friends is coming to Durban for the holiday and I will get to spend an entire wonderfully blissfull day with her on the beach. The weekend of celebrating our Lords death and resurrection is fast approaching. Yes it will be party central at the beaches, clubs and tons of other places. As for me and my house, we will be up to our necks in sorting our lives out.


My husband and I have reached the conclusion that we are both dread fully lazy. And have decided to make a go of thing. Really this time. April will be the month where we go to gym. Part of me wants to snicker “yeah right”. The other parts hopes that I will hold fast and get up extra early in the morning and make my way to where all the sweaty bodies gather to welll … sweat some more really.


Well enough of this now.


I must get back to work. Enjoy my nonsensical ramblings. It’s the only thing of my you’l ever get.

Monday, March 26, 2007

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The weekend is usually a time where one prepares themselves for the next week and comes does from the hype of the last week. A time to take time out you could say. A time to relax and be mellow and enjoy whatever it is you have to enjoy.


No not for me.


This weekend the proverbial shit the fan. Now let’s get one thing straight: I will not lie to my mother. There are a lot of things I will and have done but that is one thing I draw the line at. Not because I think I am better than anybody but because I have seen the light side and the dark side of lying to a parent. The honest truth of it is that they will find out. So when questioned, I always opt to take the high road. I tell the truth because if the truth then comes later from somebody else after my insistence that I did not engage in whatever it was, the consequences are going to be that much worse. So it’s more a case of deal with the fall out now and avoid a potentially bigger fallout later. That is my motto. Besides it’s so much easier telling the truth. I after all do not have the time or energy to keep track of who I am lying to.


So my mother asked me all sorts of questions and I answered. I answered them all truthfully. I even exposed my own misdemeanours in the answering of the questions (that is another thing I will not do. Protect myself when others are falling. I will fall with them). So my mother in her infinite wisdom thought it would be a good idea to expose the nefarious behaviours of those involved to their parents and then called me to tell me about it. I told her that she made a big mistake and should call back and tell “them” to not speak to my brother. I told her it would not help and only make the situation worse. She asked me to handle the situation. This is of course typical behaviour. Act without thinking about the consequences and then expect me to be the go between and protector from the backlash. Of course there is never really anybody to protect me.


Lo and behold the next call I received was from the parent involved or not so involved as the case may be as he lives on the other side of the country.

I got questioned regarding the behaviour of grown men and this is the part that gets me angry.

Why should I be questioned and further more what makes anybody think I am responsible for their behaviour?


But I did as I was asked, I told the caller to not speak to brother dear. I told the caller that he didn’t have a relationship with brother dear and would only make things worse.

I was not rude enough to say perhaps you should remove the logs from your own eyes before attempting to remove the specks from other people’s eyes. In retrospect I went in for a penny, might as have been a pound.

The callers response was that he didn’t care. I wanted to say “That isn’t news to me at all. Of course you don’t care; you never have.”










Friday, March 23, 2007

keep going

It’s a Friday afternoon juts before 2 and I am currently looking for pictures of world maps. All I really want is something that is simple. Something that will not detract from my main objectives.


I am finding that very difficult right now.


Rugby tomorrow. Sharks play the brumbies

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I'm back


It has been ages. Anybody miss me? Okay so what has happened since my last post?


Oh yes. Some dork stole my husband’s car from outside our flat. The thing about this that really makes me mad is that I keep remembering that I work bloody hard for everything I get and then some spineless dork takes it away. It really rubs me the wrong way. I mean what gives that donkey the right to help himself to something that he didn’t work towards? You don’t see me going into your place and taking whatever you have lying around probably cos the dork that you are means that you have nothing because that’s all robbers and thieves will ever be.




Yes I have some anger issues but come on do you really blame me? I mean the day before this lovely tragedy I spent over 1000 rand on text books. I was looking forward to getting a nice new fridge for my apartment. I was finally in a place where everything seemed to be coming together and then some dumb person decided it was okay to take it all away.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Hey all my lovely readers


I know I know I have not posted in ages. But let me tell you life has been very busy. I had the time of my life last weekend. I went out clubbing till three in the morning and then went to a very exciting rugby match on Saturday and well Sunday was a really busy day too. The week is now half over and I must admit I am looking forward to the weekend. My beloved and I have decided that we will be spending the morning sleeping in followed by a lovely home-made breakfast or brunch in our case and then off to the beach we go, just to chill and relax and have some fun in the sun. I will of course not forget sunscreen. 


Anyway that is all I have time for right now but I do promise I will post again really soon.


Hugs and kisses