Monday, March 26, 2007


The weekend is usually a time where one prepares themselves for the next week and comes does from the hype of the last week. A time to take time out you could say. A time to relax and be mellow and enjoy whatever it is you have to enjoy.


No not for me.


This weekend the proverbial shit the fan. Now let’s get one thing straight: I will not lie to my mother. There are a lot of things I will and have done but that is one thing I draw the line at. Not because I think I am better than anybody but because I have seen the light side and the dark side of lying to a parent. The honest truth of it is that they will find out. So when questioned, I always opt to take the high road. I tell the truth because if the truth then comes later from somebody else after my insistence that I did not engage in whatever it was, the consequences are going to be that much worse. So it’s more a case of deal with the fall out now and avoid a potentially bigger fallout later. That is my motto. Besides it’s so much easier telling the truth. I after all do not have the time or energy to keep track of who I am lying to.


So my mother asked me all sorts of questions and I answered. I answered them all truthfully. I even exposed my own misdemeanours in the answering of the questions (that is another thing I will not do. Protect myself when others are falling. I will fall with them). So my mother in her infinite wisdom thought it would be a good idea to expose the nefarious behaviours of those involved to their parents and then called me to tell me about it. I told her that she made a big mistake and should call back and tell “them” to not speak to my brother. I told her it would not help and only make the situation worse. She asked me to handle the situation. This is of course typical behaviour. Act without thinking about the consequences and then expect me to be the go between and protector from the backlash. Of course there is never really anybody to protect me.


Lo and behold the next call I received was from the parent involved or not so involved as the case may be as he lives on the other side of the country.

I got questioned regarding the behaviour of grown men and this is the part that gets me angry.

Why should I be questioned and further more what makes anybody think I am responsible for their behaviour?


But I did as I was asked, I told the caller to not speak to brother dear. I told the caller that he didn’t have a relationship with brother dear and would only make things worse.

I was not rude enough to say perhaps you should remove the logs from your own eyes before attempting to remove the specks from other people’s eyes. In retrospect I went in for a penny, might as have been a pound.

The callers response was that he didn’t care. I wanted to say “That isn’t news to me at all. Of course you don’t care; you never have.”










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