Wednesday, March 28, 2007


The week is half way through and I must admit that it has been a week of sleepless nights. Right now the bigest thing on my mind is that I want my car back. Or rather more accurately I want my darling husband to have his own car again. I must admit that the last few months have been an excellent example of my own abiltiy to “roll with the punches” as the saying goes.


It really has been one thing after another and I have no idea when any of it might end. Who knows what will happen and who it will affect. Like I said the storm is coming. A few of the lighting stirkes have already been sent my way and yes we have discussed my feeling on those things. Yes I was and still am angry but frankly, my dear, who gives a damn? I guess in the end we all “roll with the punches”. I guess it is a pity then that some punches are a lot harder than others.


One of the things to looks forward to is that one of my best friends is coming to Durban for the holiday and I will get to spend an entire wonderfully blissfull day with her on the beach. The weekend of celebrating our Lords death and resurrection is fast approaching. Yes it will be party central at the beaches, clubs and tons of other places. As for me and my house, we will be up to our necks in sorting our lives out.


My husband and I have reached the conclusion that we are both dread fully lazy. And have decided to make a go of thing. Really this time. April will be the month where we go to gym. Part of me wants to snicker “yeah right”. The other parts hopes that I will hold fast and get up extra early in the morning and make my way to where all the sweaty bodies gather to welll … sweat some more really.


Well enough of this now.


I must get back to work. Enjoy my nonsensical ramblings. It’s the only thing of my you’l ever get.

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