Monday, May 14, 2007


I just spent the last 40 mintue diriving to work in traffic. There are upsides and downsides to moving to our new place. One of the upsides is that my driving needs are actually somewhat satisfied. The down side is umm .. traffic. Today was my first experience dealing with morning traffic.

But all that does not matter at the moment as I am nursing bitter disappointment. I will not be able to go the final of the super fourteen.

At R300 a ticket; it’s a lot tooo much and something that unfortunately cannot be done. At the moment there is an air of disappointment and upsetness settled over my beloved and I. Going to a game and all that it involves is something that we both enjoy and love doing. We don’t mind leaving really early and sitting in the traffic and then at the stables and walking all that way to sit in the sun and watch the game and now we can’t go.

On the one hand I think that I should not go. Afterall I am a really new fan and there are those out there who have been die hard supportes way longer than I have. Now don’t get me wrong I have always been a shark supporter. After all I was born in Natal and the Sharks are the Kwa-Zulu Natal team. So come rain or shine I will always support the sharks. And yes they have their bad day and have their good days but support is support and you do it no matter what. So while I may not have known anything about rugby, I was always a sharks supporter.

And then there was the Sharks vs Crusaders match where Odwa Ndungane scored a try in the 79 minute of the game. I was hooked. Now I will be the first to admit that I don’t know everything there is to know about rugby but I am making an effrort at learning and I think it somewhat surprises my beloved when I make accurate judgement calls and actually know what’s happening in the game. Further more I have gained the ability to identify the palyers based on their builds and sometimes the numbers on the back of the jerseys. (although not always).

I screamed myself sore at Saturdays match and wore jeans in the blazing sun which means that everytime I got up I could feel my jeans sticking to me, but did I care? Not one wit?

Yes, I am really bumed about not being able to go. But I’ll just keep telling myself that there are people who deserve it more than I do – like Jeremy for example.

And I will be glued to the screen come Saturday. I’ll still be watching.


Anonymous said...

Dont be upset. I could not get tickets either. We are all very devastated.

Jo Holroyd said...

maybe we should all get together and have a braai and watch the rugby.

we will scream from the rafters together.