Thursday, May 03, 2007

one of those annoying forwards

NEW PLAN. Anytime I get one of these thing I’m just gonna post it on my blog and then leave it there.


Does anybody actually care about what Shampoo I use?



1. What time did you get up this morning?  I’m still asleep

2. Diamonds or pearls? Ummm the are both worthy in their own right
3. What was the last film you saw at the movies?  300 (the Spartan six-pack… let’s go again)
4. What is your favourite TV show?  I don’t do TV … I have other more interesting things to occupy my time like study
5. What did you have for breakfast? 1 cup of bran flakes with a banana and ½ cup lot fat milk. I’m on a lifestyle eating plan
6. What is your middle name(s)? Denise

7. What is your favourite cuisine?  Right now I would settle for something I consider wonderfully satisfying. It’s the lifestyle eating plan

8. What foods do you dislike? At the moment? Everything I put in my mouth
9. What is your favourite crisp flavour? Ghostbusters and cheese curls
10. What is your favourite CD at the moment? The new Timberlake … I loooooove track 2

 11. What type of car do you drive?  A sexy black Chevrolet Spark.
13. What characteristics do you despise? People who think they know everything.

14. Favourite item of clothing? My brand new Ginger Mary top.

15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? The place where the 300 died and go see the Tomb of King Leonidas
16. Favourite time of the day? Night time
17. What was your most memorable birthday? I have no idea
18. Where were you born? Durban. The doctor told me mother that my chances or survival were minimal so I was born at king Edwards. My mother tried to soothe my by telling me they had the best doctors of the time there.
19. Favourite sport to watch? Cricket and Shawn Michaels
20. Who do you least expect to send this back to you?  You all better send it back … except you Vani
21. Who do you expect to send it back first?  Leeandra … I’m waiting. Sunny boy is not going to call
22. Coke or Pepsi? Umm water?
23. Are you a morning person or a night owl? OWL
24. What is your shoe size? 5

25. Do you have any pets? No do I look like an animal person?

26. What did you want to be when you were little? I wanted to be bigger. Some things never change

27. When is your birthday?  5th June 1981
28. Shampoo? Sunsilk … the yellow one and some other insanely expensive Wella products that I’m terrified of                          finishing
29. Soap? Star struck or star shine or something like that. Has the essence of blue flower

30. Summer/Winter?  Winter
32. Thinking about? How much longer is this gonna take?

33. Listening to: my boss coughing and the melodic sounds of my fingers hitting the keys.  


******THE LAST 24 HOURS**************
Cried? Yes, I found out that someone I knew has passed away at the tender age of 22. I was very upset.
Met someone new?  NOPE
Cleaned your room? No I’m moving. I’m making a mess
Drove a car? No actually. Must rectify that
How many hours sleep? Whatever it was, it wasn't enough

************DO YOU BELIEVE IN**************
Santa Clause: YES

Destiny/Fate? NO
Ghosts? NO





1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL ... "A sexy black Chevrolet Spark." Do you really think thats sexy?