Monday, May 28, 2007


It’s a cold Monday morning.  Okay it’s not so cold outside but my office seems to attract the cold. The very walls themselves seem to have a wish to be part of an icebox. I’m in an interesting state of mind at the moment. There are many things to consider and you never really know how the decisions of today are going to affect tomorrow.


I’m thinking about what is more important to me. To have a family and life with them or to work my way up the career ladder and see where that takes me. Choices like theses are never easy. On the one hand of I pursue a career, I’d end making lots of money, have a nice house and fancy clothes. But is that what it really important? Or is the love of a family and being able to be with them. But then let’s think about this way – without that brilliantly paying job you can kiss a house and warm food and clothes even maybe goodbye.


How do people do it? How do they bring up children? Provide them with a good education and still feed them and clothes them and all the other necessary things. It is something that I am trying to figure out.  What is more important to me?


The other side of me says I’m way too young to even be thinking about all this and I should just go out and party.


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