Thursday, May 10, 2007

MY SAY: the names changes that are being touted for the greater Durban area.

Why is that while we have no money to fix the roads, build new houses, educate more people, build schools, give more money to people that require it, lower rates, we have the money to change the street names?

How and why is that?


Also why is Point Road being renamed to Mahatma Ghandi Road? I think it’s an insult to the Indian community of South Africa and indeed the Indian community world wide. 


I do understand that we need to deal with the ghosts of the past. But I do not think that changing the names of the street roads are going to help eradicate the detrimental effects of apartheid. Perhaps we should think about using that money towards something like that or maybe even use it to sponsor more comedy shows so that people of all races and ages can get together and laugh together.


Changing the names of the roads is just another example of our countries great effort to focus on the mundane to show the rest of the world that we no longer are what we were. Unfortunately all these mundane efforts make us look like laughing stocks to the rest of the world.


The reality is that we need to focus on what makes the country go forward. Changing street names only creates paper work and does nothing for anybody.





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