Wednesday, May 23, 2007

grrr aaargh

I’ve been thinking about a lot of things and I’ve been leaving myself mental notes to blog about them.


The thing I think that has annoyed me the most this week was the flat blond cow that could not wait 10 seconds for me to turn despite the fact that I had been waiting ages for the person in front of me. Now she had to drive up alongside me ONE THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD and block my view of on-coming traffic on the lane I needed to turn into. Some people are just rude an annoying and just make you want to scream. LOUDLY.


Anyway the other problem is that my beloved is away this coming Thursday and Friday night and all my peoples are booked out. I am going to be reduced to sitting around on a couch watching DVD’s or maybe not. We’ll have to see what happens. With the kind of weather we are having now. Not everybody seems keen to be going out. Which is entirely understandable.

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