Thursday, May 10, 2007


There are a few things on my mind at the moment


  1. CURTAINS. I just did curtains for the bedroom at my old flat and then go told I need to move. Now I need to do curtains for the new place. The material that I like for the living room, my beloved seems to think is a little ‘dull’. Humph.
  2. BOXES. There are boxes everywhere in my new place. They all need to be unpacked. They are also being forgotten for now due to the rugby. Priorities.
  3. THE RUGBY. My beloved’s brother works with at the stadium and was meant to get me a flag. At the moment he is not in the country and will only be back after the rugby – so I’m gonna have to buy my own. Oh well.
  4. WAITING. Back in the day my beloved had a car and I would be waiting for him where ever he needed to pick me up usually the sidewalk. Now that his car has been stolen and I need to drive further to work than he does, the situation has not changed. I am still waiting for him on the sidewalk. Except this time he is the one being picked up. – Some things never change and some things do.
  5. SUGAR. I have not had sugar for almost two weeks. Yesterday I had a soft drink for the first time in three weeks. I’ve also not had a decent cup of tea for almost a month. Yes, sweeteners are not bad but there really is nothing like a good cup of tea with good milk and real sugar.
  6. MOTHERS DAY. I was a good daughter this year. Got really nice Mothers Day Cards early. They are now packed away in boxes and I have no idea where there are. DOH!


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