Thursday, May 17, 2007

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Anonymous said...

I dont find that poster very amusing.

Jo Holroyd said...

Did you see the alternative?

It's worse

Anonymous said...

nope i didnt. the greenie in me cant see the humor in jokes like that

Jo Holroyd said...

perhaps then you're alot better off not seeing it.

KeesKennis said...

The Bulls are The Lhamps.
Amazing recovery wasn't it.

KeesKennis said...

My Bad.

Jo Holroyd said...

if you call cheating a recovery then YES it was.

check out

the dear ref admits to missing something.

Sharks outplayes the bulls for 81 minutes dude.
The Bulls may have the trophy but the sharks are still the better team.

KeesKennis said...

OK with me.
Yes they did outplay them and it was a very good game for a final.