Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Dieting grrr aaarrg

The diet is going well. I have to have fruit. Earlier today I had the weirdest apple ever. Two pieces of fruit twice a day and try to get in three cups of veggies a day. Three cups? Bloody hell.


My mind is still reeling from the Harry Potter overload. I also watched 300 on Friday night and  HELL  … the Spartan six-pack. Now that was something that I’d go see again. Frank Miller strikes again though with some unbelievable violence. Chop chop. had some really interesting things to say about the trivia concerning the movie.  King Leonidas was an amazing man. His queen was more so.


I completely forgot what else I was going to say.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To the person that left that nasty comment on your blog. Do you understand what the concept of a blog is???? Or are you that stupid??

Joanne, you write about whatever you want. Be free and dont let some stupid comment by some moron get you down. The person that wrote that comment is pathetic.