Monday, May 07, 2007

Movin' on Up! We've finally got a piece of the pie!

The weekend in review; it was only really two days long – Saturday and Sunday but so so much happened.


My mother found some interesting things in my fridge. Yes I know what most people would say – why are you scared of your mother. You’re 25 for heavens sake. It’s not an issue of being scared and honestly if you told my mother that I think she’d laugh at you.


It’s an issue of respect and honour. No matter how old I am, as her child I am honour bound to respect her; not only for her but for me as well. So while I DO NOT agree with my mother on a great many things I still respect and honour her opinions on it. I would imagine my brother does as well.


I also found out that my mother is an avid reader of my blog. – I have no idea how she found it or who showed it to her. We discussed some of the finer things of my posting. While something here my offend her, they are me and this is a piece of my and I stood strong and proud and boldly said that I would not be silent and if anyone chooses to read my ramblings, they do so at their own peril.


The move went okay … ish. There is still some stuff that needs to be moved out from our old place. We’ll get there. Thanks to a special cousin, we had a billion boxes and used most of them already. Our spare room is piled high with boxes. We have too much stuff. We’ve only been married for about 2 years and four months but we have

16 dinner plates

16 bowls

8 soup bowls

20 cups

Loads and loads of glasses of every shape and kind.


Why do two people need 16 dinner plates? My beloved and I could go for two entire weeks without washing dishes and still have a new clean plate for every meal.

It’s madness I tell you


And unsurprisingly there were books everywhere. I think we had like 10 boxes of books. And not all of them were on the bookcase. They were scattered everywhere.

The next few months are going to be going through boxes and turfing stuff out. I have come to the realisation that we really actually have far toooooo much junk and I will be making the biggest efforts I can to get rid of it. I found a box stuffed with old newspapers.

Why on earth I had a box stuffed with newspaper is actually beyond me but there it was filled to the brim with newspaper. Gaaa.

Tossed out the newspaper and stuffed the box with other un-needed junk.



I watched Ferris Buellers Day Off last week. Does anyone remember the economics class? Anyone, Anyone?








Twilight Student said...

While it is still revolting how someone can attack somebody else's character in the most coward-like manner one must also bear in mind two things.

Yes blogs are meant to be cathartic. But every blog author must bear in mind the fact that he/she is putting him/herself out there. YOU ARE ENTERING THE WORLD WIDE WEB.

A blogspot is really not a gated-community. I am well aware of scathing comments that potentially could be posted on my blog but u know what I can't be bothered.

I think u should reverse your decision to disallow anon comments. Let the assholes speak, and pass judgement, but let those judgements be well documented so that they will have to live with it.

Twilight Student said...

OH and your mother saw your blog? How did that happen? what did she say? did she see jeremy's? oooh!!!!

Jo Holroyd said...

Yes I do understand what you're saying and entirely agree with you. it might give some the idea that I'm really actually concerned about what anon's comments. Disabling anon commenting ... it's a challenge.

I'm done with it. I’ve realised any comment on my part will is actually encouraging the spineless cockroach and well my very existence does that already.